Thursday, November 10, 2011 1 comments


Hello and welcome to Simply Dwyn.  If you're visiting for the first time I want to welcome you and invite you to grab a favorite drink and sit back and enjoy.  I am not sure what the vision for this blog will be, however I know it will evolve as life moves on around us.  I will do some photography, some book reviews, some memes, some fun.  I will post stories about life, about going through a relatively easy divorce, if there is such a thing, and about raising three kids as a single mom.

I will share poetry and dreams and aspirations alongside the troubles, pains and heartaches.  Be ready for sarcasm and a bit of cynicism, be also ready for God.  He is my refuge and my strength, my guide and my comfort.  So you will see Him a lot.

Thanks for joining me.